Counting Chimneys (2023)

A zine made for We Remember, World Book Night 2023 Exhibition at Bower Ashton Library, UWE Bristol, UK.
Materials: ink, embroidery thread, paper, and a childhood in a post-industrial mill town
A Short History of the Morecambe Bay Sand Library (2023)

Fragments from a fictional library that exists between the tides. Artist book exhibited as part of the Aqueous Futures Exhibition at the Midland Hotel, Morecambe.
Materials: paper, shells, ink, seaweed, hydroids, driftwood, plastic, metal, cyanotype prints, and a lot of time on the beaches of Morecambe Bay
The Bookshop at the End of the Pier

A short comic about the challenges of extreme bookselling.
Web version available here.
Materials: drypoint etching with cobalt blue ink on 50% cotton paper, a previous job as a bookseller and a love of piers.
- a strike comic

A tiny comic made for the picket line during the UCU UK university strikes in early 2020.
Web version available here.
Materials: ink and marker on photocopier paper, and years of stress as an hourly paid and then full-time lecturer in universities.
Some Common Household Flora (2020)

A zine made and sent out by post for the Zines in the Dark project during the first Covid lockdown.
Materials: inks, pencils, found record cards, paper, and a desperate need to imagine everyday beauty when stuck in the house.
A House Book (2019)

An artist book that responds to the reader's movements and cardinal direction, inspired by the art, writings and life of Leonora Carrington. Presented at Surrealisms 2019 – ISSS Conference at the University of Exeter.
Materials: paper, board, acrylic paint, string, teaspoon, textiles, cut-up text and illustrations from Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management, Microbit x2, code, AA batteries, wires, servo, LED, and a long fascination with Carrington's work.